Sunday, September 30, 2007

psh. Freewill, smealwill.

I chose fate. this seems like the optimistic choice. think about it. i would much rather believe that a loved one was killed because (insert your religious overlord's name here) thought it was his/or her's time than just because some murderer hated my Nana's parking job. I would like to hope that mankind isn't predisposed to just do bad things. That maybe it's all happening for some reason. It gives me something to believe in. I rather try and learn something from what's all going on, than just why it happening to me.

poopidy.poopidy.poopidy. i'm so indecisive. both sound good, when you think about it. Freewill just sounds so damn pessimistic. why should we think we are so high and mighty that we decide how things turn out. we are just here to experience life. we don't decide anything. how can we? when we think like that, that's when our burdens get heavy.

you know?

thinking that we can change everything. But! we can't be so blah that everything just sort of happens TO us. i guess it has to happen FOR us.

p.s. all my post are the same size. that sucks.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.

Automatically i chose living large. Like straight up. I am all for just having fun and not giving a damn. But when i really thought about it, it really seemed like the immature, cop out answer.

If you live large, there's no worrying about bills, or getting a career. Kind of like the sinful life everyboby wishes they had but only a very few get. Kind of like Nevereverland. You would never have to grow up. What most people my age want, right? Why else do you think that Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Corbain, Jimi Hendrix, and Brian Jones all died at 27. But then you look at the draw backs.

- never truly grow up
- never have children ...or at least raise them
- won't get to experience the rest of life. Like what happens after all that's going on

So i would have to go for the living long. But not because it's the "right" answer. I guess just because i want to see what happens next.