Thursday, August 30, 2007

High School: The Ultimate Paradox

I'm not sure where to start, really. I mean high school is full of them. God. I mean the fact that no one wants to work but they want that carrot, that reward at the end.
To tell you the truth, it's just all makes you a closed-minded, cynical, lump of uncreativeness. The true paradox? Your supposed to learn in school, right?
Well I think we learn from school. I think that school teaches how I do NOT want to live my life. So stressed about how things are to the point where you can't even be yourself.

Let me try to make sense.Ok so we all sit down in math, science, english, and history to gain knowledge or whatever. But were not learning the actual subject per say. We are learning how to learn. How to learn from your mistakes, to learn from others, to learn how to grow. Of course you can drop out, skip a ton of grades, or simply only care about getting that stupid carrot. But that's not the point. The interesting part is that no one counts that as learning. They don't give grades on how well rounded one is. or how one grasp concepts internally. Or even if one just does their work. It's whether or not one does well on some obscure test. This might just sound like private school, hippie bull crap, but tests and grades, they don't matter.

Take a minute to think about a world with out grades. No working for some intangible reward. The goals wouldn't be the grades but the knowledge. It sounds foreign, but great at the same time. And not because one could potentially goof off. BUT because we would just be learning. The teachers would have less stress because they could just focus on their students grasping the concepts completely. The students ideals would be completely altered. BACK TO BASICS!

Or at least how I see it.


unknown said...

"lump of uncreativeness" that's funny.

Humble Hippo said...

I have to say that agree completely. Most students now are saying, "Oh, I can just get my GED later." My response is, "Then why are you still here? What makes you come back for more?" It's like school is a daytime club with no music or drinks. which then makes it a really large gathering. Any thoughts?